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Will DSS stack frames properly if the orientation changes between sessions?

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I've started to shoot the north america nebula but it's quite high up in the sky already and because I have a Star Adventurer there is no proper meridian flip. Eventually the gear will crash into the tripod and I'm not sure how the mount would handle such a thing but I don't intend to find out! I'd like to set it up and just run while I sleep.


As it stands my dslr is rotated 90° left, so it's essentially on its side, and starts off fairly far to the west side of rotation. If I flip everything around so the telescope/camera are starting almost upside down (where it could easily run all night without crashing into anything)  I'm afraid the framing won't match. I've got a few nights worth of data where my camera orientation is one way, and I'm worried if I pre meridian flip they wouldn't line up.

How would DSS handle this?

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6 hours ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

As long as there are at least 8 stars in common between all frames, DSS can rotate them around to match them up no problem. Be aware you will very likely have to crop the stacked image where the different frame orientations don't line up. 

Well, dss detects hundreds of stars when I go to stack so I should be fine then eh. I appreciate the help.

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