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Newbie advice (Wizard nebula)


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Hey guys,

I was out last night trying to image the wizard nebula...Forecast was clear skies, but how they were wrong! One of those nights where everything went wrong. Intermittent cloud coverage, power bank not full charged (no dew heater) and I knocked my focus at like 1 am and guesstimated it back to focus as I was at the point of giving up. But I set the rig off imaging between clouds and went to sleep, figured I would get what I get (if anything!)

The data is pretty bad (probably a bit out of focus, dew, missed first 1.5 hours of semi decent darkness before the moon rose etc etc), so it is a pretty hideous image anyway, but can anyone confirm if I did indeed target the Wizard nebula or if I found some random patch :D? This was about all I could find in the general vicinity, and would love to give it a proper go when I am better prepared and have better conditions.



Done a bit of basic editing to try make it a bit more visible. Wondering if I may have cut some the more subtle colour out when working with masks.


Cheers guys, as always Il attach unedited stack :D 





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4 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

What scope and camera


Ooh yeah, Sorry, it was taken using a WO Z73 III and a astromodified Canon 600D 

Thank you for any advice.

It's about 1.45 - 2 hours of 2 minute subs at ISO 800 

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Ah good stuff, thank you for checking and thank you for linking the website, handy tool!

Yeah, I knew it was going to be out of focus after I clipped the focus knob and had to readjust. The clouds were that bad, and I had already been stood in the cold 1.5 - 2 hours so at that point I was just going to let it run :D



Image just to display the pattern, I realise it is not in focus and I adjusted it to focus after taking this image before disaster struck. Maybe it is my eyes, but it doesn't seem symmetrical. Sometimes seems as though one side of the pattern is focused and evenly spaced while the other is a touch off! 

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