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Eq direct cable

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I’m wanting to upgrade to using Nina to plate solve etc after using handset on my neq6 for years, it’s time I got with the times! Can I plug the eq direct cable into my usb3 powered hub attached to my scope that the camera is plugged into or does it have to go to the lappy into a different USB port? I’m in the process of downloading Nina and the relevant star database to platesolve and also eq mod, is eq mod needed with Nina? Sorry so many questions as this sort of thing is new to me after using handset so so long 

Edited by Craig a
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Firstly you need a dedicated EQDIR cable, not a standard USB/Serial cable, otherwise there is a strong certainty that you'll blow the motor board.  If you have the correct EQDIR cable for your scope then yes you can plug it into a hub rather than direct into a USB port on the  computer.  If the hub is of some distance away form the computer than its advisable to have an active USB cable between the PC and the Hub

EQMOD is basically the telescope driver interface, CdC, Nina, PHD2, APT, Backyard Eos etc etc will all communicate via the ASCOM platform with the telescope through EQMOD.  An alternative to EQMOD is Green Swamp Server.  Does the same thing, just with a few more bells and whistles and has a more up dated interface.

Edited by malc-c
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Ok the cable I’m looking at is this 


i have the neq6 

thanks for replying, not sure if you would know this but does Nina need eq mod to slew and plate solve etc? 

Edited by Craig a
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The cable is fine 

Can't really advise on NINA as I don't use it, but I'm 99% certain that it does need either EQMOD or GSS.  Both these provide the control for the telescope.  I don't think NINA or APT (or other plate solving apps) has direct telescope control built in, but could be wrong

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After doing a bit of research I found I needed eqmod, so I’ve installed that and got Nina to recognise it, also phd2, set up the camera pixel size telescope info etc, but Carnt find anything about if Nina needs stellarium or any other planetarium software to run the mount? 


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I can't say as I've never used it in anger....  But looking at this website it suggests a built in star atlas / database NINA

Sky Atlas

  • Detailed Atlas for over 10000 Deep Sky Objects
  • Advanced filtering to get just the Deep Sky Objects that are relevant for you
  • Altitude charts for each object based on your location
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