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JULY 1ST - WL - AR2835 AR2836 AR2837


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Sunny this morning again, the sixth session on consecutive days.  I'm hoping to extend this as far as I can.

Using the Tecnosky 102ED F7, Olympus  EM-5 Mk11, Baader Film front filter and Baader Solar Continuum Filter. 

Some reasonable seeing from 11.00 to 11.45 am, where upon it became continuously turbulent for the next hour after which I packed up.  The single frame below was taken at 11.09 am at prime focus, 1/320 sec at 250 asa. You'll have to look very carefully indeed to see AR2837, its tiny in comparison to the othe two ARs.

The crop of the same frame shows AR2835 (which has doubled in size in the last 24 hours according to spaceweather.com) and AR2836, which is continuing to get smaller.  









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Nice images Paul.
Six days on the trot! Wow - weather’s been miserable in London. This afternoon had a partial break in the cloud though, enjoyed the view in hydrogen alpha, but white light was even better. Near head-on AR2835 showing lovely detail and some of the granulation you’ve picked up. 4” does seem to be a perfect size for WL observing

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3 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Nice images Paul.
Six days on the trot! Wow - weather’s been miserable in London. This afternoon had a partial break in the cloud though, enjoyed the view in hydrogen alpha, but white light was even better. Near head-on AR2835 showing lovely detail and some of the granulation you’ve picked up. 4” does seem to be a perfect size for WL observing

Many thanks Mark.  On most of the six days it's been a matter of looking out for rather scarce clear patches, today was actually sunny and warm virtually all day - the exception that proves the rule.

I've  had a passion for complex sunspots and how they develop for many years, and I've gone out of my way to be available for any clear gaps . I'll be trying to continue the sequence for as long as I can.

I agree with you re the suitability of the four inch for this purpose.  Big enough to show good detail, but small enough to defy all but the worse seeing, also quite compact.  Its rare the seeing is bad enough not to see the granulation, and with my recently acquired Baader Solar Continuum Filter it's even better.

Of course visually, it's much better than my rather low-res single frames.

Edited by paulastro
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