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You know you've had a few rainy days when...

Captain Scarlet

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Looks good Magnus. Must have been even more fun with the smallest pair of scissors in the world! 😀

Now, this could start a debate about the merits of eyepieces being stored upright or lying down in the case. I’ve always been a ‘lying down’ kind’a guy, but upright is actually a lot more space efficient if your case has got the depth for it, and you’ve got the patience to label them all!

Discuss! 👍🤣

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🤣🤣 Well @Stu you’ve totally hit the nail on the head as to my thinking behind the little bits of sticky paper. My Nagler 31 wouldn’t fit, even lying down, into my previous “pistol case”. So I bought this lovely deep Trifibre case, which came with 2 layers of foam. I  thought I was a lyin-downer too, but that would, as you suggest, waste a load of space or necessitate removing a whole layer of fragile stuff to get to bits in the bottom layer.

So vertical it had to be, hence the labels to allow me to see what is what in the dark.


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