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First dedicated camera

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I'm waiting for the season to start here in Sweden and I'm looking at getting a dedicated colour camera. I feel pretty interested in the ZWO 294 MC Pro, the only downside I see currently is the pixel size being on the high end for my telescope. I've got the WO Zenithstar 73. So the 4.63 µm of the 294 gets me to around 2.22 arcsec/px.

Now I guess my question is how bad is this really going to be? I'm currently shooting with a Canon 700D which gives me 2.06 arcsec/px, is it even going to be a noticeable difference? I'm also seeing this as opportunity for me to grow into a bigger scope as I'll probably want to get something like a 600 mm Newton.

I've looked at other cameras like the 533, 071 and even as far as the 2600 but the 294 really seems like a sweet spot in terms of performance for it's price.

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I'm really considering the 533 now instead to be honest. The pixel size fits my scope very well and even something like a 600+ FL that I would probably upgrade to in the future. I was worried about the square sensor but putting it into Stellarium it really fits a lot of targets very well and frames them perfectly. My only concern would be not being able to really crop too much.

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