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Summer Doubles

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Clear skies to you all!

With the long summer twilight hampering observing, I put together a short video describing some of my favourite summer double stars - all observable with small telescopes and binoculars (to varying degrees) - and observable as dusk falls.  

What's your favourite summer double (mine is a G&T) with the Double-Double, Epsilon Lyrae. I just love the tight separation of the two sets of two stars.  Fantastic. 



Edited by MarkRadice
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Great video. As I'm still getting started things like this are invaluable to helping me find more interesting things to observe.  

Looking hopeful with the forecast for this weekend that I should get some time to get the scope out. My Cheshire arrived this morning so I've been collimating for the first time today. It wasn't too bad but seems spot on now. A friend came to oversee what am doing lol. So as long as the conditions allow I'll be trying to find some of these doubles. Nicely collimated scope to help get the split easier will be great hehe. 

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Mike - there’s loads to observe with your scope, enough for a lifetime, and yes the collimation will make a difference. Of course, if you can’t sleep you can get up early and see Jupiter and Saturn in the small hours. 

stu - thank you, really appreciated and I hope you enjoy those doubles. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 09/06/2021 at 09:15, MarkRadice said:

What's your favourite summer double (mine is a G&T) with the Double-Double, Epsilon Lyrae. I just love the tight separation of the two sets of two stars.  Fantastic. 


Thanks for the video. It is a nice tour. What is a G&T? Was that a quip for Gin & Tonic? 

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