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A lesson in futility.


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Having watched endless yt vids on using my TV85, Lunt Herschel wedge and Celestron neximage 5, you’d think I would have some basic understanding on capturing a few pics of the sun. Well you’d be wrong!

I went through all my equipment yesterday, including getting the neximage on my laptop ready, no problem. I used icap and it all looked good.

This morning, I took all my equipment out into the glorious fresh air and sunshine, knowing there were two areas of interest to focus on. I set up using a Coronado 25mm plossl with a continuum filter attached and centered the sun. Then I replaced it with the nextimage camera, turned on the laptop. After a bit of phaffing about I got an image but it was horrible, waving about as if it was on a sea of rolling waves!

I let it all settle for a few minutes and hit the capture button, well the quick capture button as my hard drive is pretty much full. The images are carp to say the least and I won’t be loading them up here, I’d be too embarrassed.

its back to the drawing board, the yt board and any other board for more lessons in futility.

They say you live and learn, but I seem to have forgotten what I’ve learned….doh!


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The thermal "wobbles" are best avoided by early morning and late afternoon imaging or observing.
Avoid baking hot surfaces between you and the sun. Roofs, asphalt, cars, etc.

My Nextimage5 camera always made everything huge due to the small sensor size.
That same magnification amplifies image distortion due to "the thermals."

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