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First time solar imaging


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This is my first time solar imaging. I was having a practice run for the partial solar eclipse on the 10th June, funding with settings and such using my sw 72ed AzGti Canon 600D, fitted with explore scientific white light solar filters to lens and fs, which is what I'll use for the eclipse, I may use the x2 Barlow also but will see. The full disc images are using the Canon 600D and one using a x2 Barlow. The surfaces images are the same scope and a zwo asi120mc-s, stacked in autostakkert 3 a, tweaked in registax and ps. Not the best by any stretch but as long as I can inage the eclipse I'll be happy. Some nice sunspots on the left and bottom of the disc plus a strange feature on the top left limb and maybe a bigger sunspot just past the limb. 



Solar-30-5-21-dslr (1).png


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