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Markarian's Chain - first full process with the new camera...


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Proper first light (and 'completed') image for me with the new (S/H) Atik, purchased Oct last year...
Taken my time to migrate from using a Mac to fully 'Windows' PC.
Not really the best time of year for my imaging rig, but decided to use the time to get everything bedded in ready for the Autumn, although the camera is waiting to go back to Atik for a service as there is dust inside the sensor chamber.
Now with everything running under one system, I've been able to join the 21st century of imaging - blind solving/syncing the mount, plate solving over multiple nights of imaging, auto-dithering, scheduling in autofocus routines, etc, etc. I've even been able to get the capture software modified to make use of the 18 second download time of the Atik. Now that time is used constructively to send the dither command and settle the mount ready for the next exposure, so far less wasted time!
I've also lightened the gear on the mount, moving to an OAG. With that and the new multi-star guiding in PHD2, imaging sessions have been a lot more productive.... if only the weather would play ball......
Had a bit of a scare when reviewing the flats, especially the L, with distinct vertical banding, but this appears to be par for the course with this 16200 chip having reviewed images across the web.
Not so the horizontal and vertical large 'patches' across the L flat frames... I've been PM'ing fellow 16200 owners for advice... did think it was an issue with the camera, tried multiple versions of creating flats (having come from the 'smaller version' of the chip - the 8300, plus a camera that also had a mechanical shutter, I thought I was well versed at creating flats...), but now I'm convinced it's my bortle 5/6 skies and encroaching light pollution.
So many experiments later to find the best way to utilise the background removal in APP (plus the 'hot column correction), I have my first LRGB image (via PsCC2017) having beaten this into submission!
You can still see the 'patches' as unevenness in the background, but considering where they started at, I'm quite pleased with the result. The data is easier to work with than the 8300 and my 20min Ha experiments are simple and fun to manipulate, so looking forward to later in the year when the large nebulas re-appear.
Do have an ole IDAS filter that could swap out for the Baader L filter, but last time I used it with the SBIG8300m I felt the stars were more bloated than using the pure L.
In hindsight, perhaps 300 sec exposures would have been better for the Luminance as the stacked file was very 'light grey' in the lower portion of the frame, something to remember next time out!
In fact, the 'patches' were not to be seen on the single Luminance files - probably because they were swamped by the light pollution, so one theory is that the flat frames were then introducing it as correction for the unevenness recorded in the actual sensor...? Joy!
Some tilt to address in the top left, but as the camera needs to come off again. will leave that until after the service.

L 30x 600sec Bin 1x1
R/G/B 18x off each 300sec Bin 2x2

FSQ @ f/5 (removed the reducer also!), Baader 2" filters, Atik EWF3 and OAG

Plenty learnt, ready to start process 2 tomorrow!





Edited by TakMan
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That sounds like quite a change to almost every aspect of your imaging Damien!  Great stuff getting it all running together so you can take advantage of methods that simplify the process.

What a great FOV with the camera and scope - lovely image with lots of detail even in the smaller stuff.

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