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Reworking IC434 after more processing tutorials

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Took this back in mid-march, but I didn't really know how to process it after stacking very well. I post my original attempt, and my new one.

This time I went back to raws, and used affinity to stack, and process. Using the affinity tutorials on the website. There's some banding which was also in the flats, but I definately feel the result is a heck of a lot better than my first attempt with the data.

original processing attempt:




today's attempt:


IC434.new after tutorials.jpg

Edited by powerlord
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That's a great step forward @powerlord - well done for bringing it all back to the start and trying a different approach.  Just comparing the two - I see smaller, less saturated stars, enhanced structure in the flame nebula, more definition in the horse head itself and structure in the Ha cloud behind it.  The colour balance looks challenging, but I think there's very good reason to be as pleased as you sound!

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21 minutes ago, geeklee said:

That's a great step forward @powerlord - well done for bringing it all back to the start and trying a different approach.  Just comparing the two - I see smaller, less saturated stars, enhanced structure in the flame nebula, more definition in the horse head itself and structure in the Ha cloud behind it.  The colour balance looks challenging, but I think there's very good reason to be as pleased as you sound!

thanks. yes, I couldn't get rid of the red bias very well. especially at the bottom. and I'm not sure howe much of the nebula in the top right is real vs noise/banding. I think I shot it all with liveview on - before I knew better.

At the end of the day I only took 30 lights at 60 seconds iso1600, so there really wasn't much to play with.

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