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doubles tonight

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I must be getting lazy because these days I tend to go out without any books or charts and just look at what I know. Tonight the seeing was fantastic here when the clouds cleared at around 8.30 and I took out the big dob with an 8mm Burgess Optical planetary e/p (x150, 60 deg AFOV).

I looked at polaris - primary very white; secondary a pretty blue

trapezium (of course) - e star pretty clear; f not so

alnitak - the little snowman was there again :)

castor - bright, clean, white

the lovely yellow one in leo (as it drifts across the FOV it looks like the smaller one is following the bigger one - aaaaah)

sigma orionis - the best of a good night - the three "white" stars are all slighly different shades - it's like choosing wallpaper :(

cor caroli - disappointing colours - possibly a bit low in the sky and seeing had gone right off by now so i went in and saw Spain's second goal - good side, good evening's observing.


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snowman is my own description of how the little star just looks like a bump on the side of the big star :D

Ok, I've looked up which one that is and will check it out next time the weather is kind to me. At 2.4" speration however, i suspect it may be beyond me and hence look like a snowman with his head cut off :(

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