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Can I get away with a 1.25" barlow with a 2" focuser and a large-ish camera + filterwheel

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Looking to do some lunar (or maybe even solar) imaging over the lighter period this summer and given the scopes I've got, need a barlow lens. I've got some good advice on a previous thread about what barlow to buy, so the question is how feasible it is to manage to get away with a 1.25" barlow given I have a 2" focus tube and a relatively bulky camera + FW. 

Obviously, I know I could remove the FW but it'd be handy to have the filters available. The FW mounts with an M48 thread so I'd be looking at a 2" > 1.25" to get the barlow attached, then a 1.25" to M48 converter to hold the camera (with M48 spacer if needed). All of this kit exists but wondering if anyone has done this and can report on stability?

It feels wrong, but I guess it should be fine as long as I get solid kit. I thought I'd avoid thumb screws if I can, but many of the Barlows appear to have them (and for example : https://www.firstlightoptics.com/barlows/baader-classic-q-225x-barlow.html  has only one!).


Edit - after posting I realized I wasn't clear - I'm not worried about the inevitable vignetting as I'll be using a small area of the sensor.

Edited by rnobleeddy
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