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Another M81


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Hello All

Things finally came together at my Bortle 4 site (except for some truck shining his bright lights from far away after midnight, had to use all my wizardry to kill a mega gradient), so here's M81, 3:20hrs worth of it in 10min. subs with 14 prime-grade flats, shot with an Atik 383 mono thru a C11 (0.7 reducer, OAG) on a EQ8 pro, guided by ZWO ASI 294mm pro(PHD2), no moon. Processed in DSS & PS CS2. Hope to get the colors for it soon, but it's a right slog with this heavy equipment far from home, and having to work the next day. C&C welcome.


M81 20frx10m 3h20m 14fl_slight crop_1.jpg

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Thanks for the reply, Lee...sadly, the colors fell by the wayside for now. You know how astronomers say don't dew it. Unfortunately, in my blue and ha subs, I dewed it. Now, wit my brand new heated do-shield, I won't dew it anymore. However, too much Moon now, so I have to wait.

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