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New research suggests the Universe is learning its own physical laws

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Interesting paper from Alexander et al. on arXiv: The Autodidactic Universe

From this article: "Our universe observes a whole bunch of laws of physics, but the researchers say other possible laws of physics seem equally likely, given the way mathematics works in the universe. So if a group of candidate laws were equally likely, then how did we end up with the laws we really have?"

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I was always taught that our laws of physics are only our interpretation of what we think is going on based on what we know and what we observe.  At any given moment our laws are then at best an expression of our interpretation and may not ultimately reflect reality .  Not that we will ever know what that ultimate reality is  :) 


Edited by saac
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I found the summary to be sophomoric nonsense. I downloaded the original paper and quit trying to read it. Some years ago, I read a doctoral dissertation on the nature of angels. Like, if all angels are equal, then when one angel learns something, do all angels instantly know it, also. Same here. 



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On 17/04/2021 at 12:29, saac said:

I was always taught that our laws of physics are only our interpretation of what we think is going on based on what we know and what we observe.  At any given moment our laws are then at best an expression of our interpretation and may not ultimately reflect reality .  Not that we will ever know what that ultimate reality is  :) 




All that we see or seem is entirely based on human constructs, the way we experience life and all that there is, how we sense all that there is can only ever be based on view point as a being with limited senses and thought boundaries, a view point that can only ever really comprehend what it experiences using it's available senses.

Try and describe what a colour looks like to someone that's never had eye sight, describe to them what an image is, or a picture, or video, or how we precisely see and know exactly what is happening at a distance purely by aiming our eyes towards it, describe what the experience of eye sight is really like to them.


What senses are we missing (human race as a whole) that are required to move forward, to discover and comprehend all that we currently can't.

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