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Astrophotography in Edinburgh.....

Astro Waves

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So I'll be moving to Edinburgh in a couple of weeks and the flat I'm going to doesn't have a garden so was wandering if any one knew of any good spots to go and shoot from? I don't really know the city that well, have a few friends there who know the place but (but they don't do AP) so they might now know it in the same way. I'll be up near the Botanical Gardens if that helps.

At points I'm hoping to be able to get out the city and more towards the highlands way when I can sort transport. Any tips would be ace!


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Hi Astro Waves,

i live in Edinburgh and also have no real garden to use so always end up getting out of the city to
do astrophotography etc.  There are a few options locally but all really require transport to get to and vary
from 40 mins to an hour to get to and are generally in the pentlands or lammermuirs. 

There used to be another forum also used by members around the central scotland for discussing and
arranging meetups etc but thats not really used anymore and most folks just do their own thing now. 

There are some locations menioned in this thread :


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I thought this might be the case, luckily I've got some friends near the peatlands which is good but also don't have my own transport, well apart from me bike so its lucky I've got a very portable setup. I feel like its going to take some getting used not having access to a garden at my disposal and also currently in Bortle 4 so I will definitely miss it.

I saw that post the other day as well, so I'm taking all the notes I can do.

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There is a facebook astronomy scotland group I think and there may be some other folks on
there from around the edinburgh area as well as here if your into using facebook. 

Obviously its been a quiet year everywhere due to covid but here we've not been allowed to
leave the council area since before Christmas and it will soon be too bright to really do any astronomy
but the sites in the pentlands and lammermuirs are good although they can suffer abit from the wind. 

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ex Norwich here, but in Edinburgh for nearly 30 years. I'm on the other side of town though (Portobello). 

Hoping to get out and about again before the dark nights vanish. Only a couple more weeks until the 'stay-local' rules finish. I'm keen to get down to Whiteadder reservoir (Bortle 3) which is 20 miles south east of Edinburgh in the Lammermuirs. 

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On 08/04/2021 at 23:12, SpookyKatt said:

There is a facebook astronomy scotland group I think and there may be some other folks on
there from around the edinburgh area as well as here if your into using facebook. 

Obviously its been a quiet year everywhere due to covid but here we've not been allowed to
leave the council area since before Christmas and it will soon be too bright to really do any astronomy
but the sites in the pentlands and lammermuirs are good although they can suffer abit from the wind. 

I'll have a look and see what I can find on Facebook.

23 hours ago, Pixies said:


ex Norwich here, but in Edinburgh for nearly 30 years. I'm on the other side of town though (Portobello). 

Hoping to get out and about again before the dark nights vanish. Only a couple more weeks until the 'stay-local' rules finish. I'm keen to get down to Whiteadder reservoir (Bortle 3) which is 20 miles south east of Edinburgh in the Lammermuirs. 

Just had a look, t'other side of town, its only about 4 miles, haha. 

I've only been doing AP over the winter period so far, I can imagine that it just get a bit less fun in the summer due to the shorter lighter nights? But definitely want to get out and explore Scotland whilst doing this as well, which would be nice. 

My other solution was going got be be trying to find some where close to me and just have a go at dealing with the light pollution.

Edited by Astro Waves
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