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imaging with an Altair capture - what happens to the files afterwards....

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Have tried to use an Altair GPCAM290c in the past and found the interface so exasperating that I kept racing back to my DSLR, and kept it for the Guidescope instead. But the DSlr is a bit "wide-view" with my F8 refractor for galaxies, so I'm going to brave Altair capture again...

So, for those who have mastered this:

I have set the file to RAW and saving as FITS, but, when saved, in the folder the file-type says GIMP (presumably since this is the associated program). I presume when I transfer them across to my MAC to use AstroPixelProcessor they will just be FITS files?

Is there another program I should be viewing them in, other than GIMP? since...

When I open them in GIMP, they are monochrome (even when I change the mode in GIMP to RGB) and, bizarrely, upside down? I presume this is something to do with the Bayering process? How do I correct It and do I have to correct it in APP as well, before I process them?


Thanks for any help, the internet isn't coming down with videos about file types...




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I have not! Nor Sharpcap, yet. Will look into it. I've been using Macs for years so I find PCs a pain to use, but you need to for this hobby, I have learnt... It does mean I have no idea where to find anything on a PC....

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OA does support the camera, but doesn't have colour balance and, again, when I try to view the frames in GIMP, on the Mac, they are monochrome and upside down.


Does anybody out there have a workflow for using an Altair Camera to APP?

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