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Synscan Update available....

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Theres a new version of Synscan available - version 3.24 the release notes say;

1). Fix bugs in firmware version 3.23--now the hand control setting will remain upon power up, after the PAE function was performed.

2). Improve LED and LCD backlight performance.

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Thanks for posting it,

I was hoping they would fix the PC Direct bug ( stops tracking when you press a direction button while connected ).

I will install it anyway, maybe they did do the fix without announcement :( . Did anyone test it already ?

Clear skies,


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I installed it but cant see any difference - but then I only just upgraded and dont use a PC connection so probably wouldnt see a difference.

The controls to brighten up the LCD/LED is better and more graduated and the LED goes a lot brighter with it. Shame they never put any software control over the polarscope illuminator.

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The HEQ5 - with a GoTo upgrade or the HEQ5 Pro have a polarscope which lights up - in theory so you can see the reticle inside the polarscope so you can get Polaris into the target spot under a dark sky ( cos under a dark sky you cant see the black markings on the scopes reticle )

The idea is to softly illuminate the polarscopes reticle with a red light so make the markers show up - in Sky-Watchers case the lighst so bright its like looking into 1,000 watt torch with a red lens :( - the EQ6 has a dimmer knob but the HEQ5 mount doesnt :crybaby: why Synta dont put a 10p dimmer knob on is beyond me - but they dont.

Thats something for me to get obsessive about and make my own but dont get me started on that cos I have about 20 other projects on the go right now :):lol::):(

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Ahhh do you knopw the old trick of shining a red light torch into the EP of the polarscope - just to the side of your eye - that will illuminate it - you can do it across the front of the polarscope if the scope has access to its front end as well.

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the EQ6 has a dimmer knob but the HEQ5 mount doesnt :crybaby: why Synta dont put a 10p dimmer knob on is beyond me - but they dont.

The newer EQ6's (& the last of the sexy black ones, like I have) do not have a dimmer - suffer from exactly the same problem as you....

Some people have put a resistor in series with the LED to reduce the brightness.... Personally, I have just gotten things sorted before powering up... (Polarfinder program, for e.g.)


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