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Zoom pieces for cheap scope?

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So, I made the mistake of getting a cheap scope for my girls and me to learn together on. I'm not going to dump too much money into a better scope until I know they enjoy it, maybe 2-3 years away. To bridge that gap ice been reading up on zoom lenses for both convience and cost savings. My eye is on either the svbony or celestron. That said, will I get a decent image out my scope..it's an f4.6. thank you and be gentle,lol.

To add, 70mm aperture 300mm focal length.

Edited by Ericreichelt81
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Check that your scope doesn't take 0.965 inch instead of 1.25 inch eyepieces first.  I picked up one of those 70x300 scopes last spring for parts to make a super finder and tossed everything but the lens, lens cell, and metal tube.  Mine came with a 0.965" focuser and eyepieces.

In case you don't know where to measure, it's the outer diameter of the eyepiece insertion barrel (the lower part that is generally unpainted).  If it is 0.965", you'd have to get a 0.965" to 1.25" diagonal or an adapter that might not reach focus.

Edited by Louis D
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The SVBony 7-21 is pretty reasonable and significantly lighter than the 8-24. 

The field of view is relatively narrow at the 21mm end - so you lose some of the usual benefits of the longer focal length eyepiece, but if  you already have a 25mm or thereabouts, it can be a good way to get a range of powers available for a reasonable price. 

(assuming you have a 1.25" focuser of course)

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And by the way, look down the front of the scope and see if there is a metal restriction plate with a hole in the middle just behind the objective.  If so, you really have a 35mm or so objective instead of a 70mm objective.  I disassembled mine and pushed that plate out the front with a small board and then reblackened the interior and reassembled the scope.  Correction isn't as good now, but the image is brighter which is what I was going after.

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