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Planetary EEVA


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I have read through most of the topics in the eeva forum but I haven't found anything about planetary eeva other than a post about Neptunes moon Triton. Is planetary eeva not done? I have recently landed a Lodestar x2 and I have been looking to use it either as a guide or as a stand alone mono camera initially solar system until I get to know my way around the software.

So a quick question, can starlight live handle planetary stuff? 

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EEVA is great for Uranus, Neptune & Pluto, and the minor planets/asteroids, and for picking up the moons of the planets too, but not really for getting high resolution views of the brighter planets, where I believe the typical approach is to take 100s or 1000s of very short exposure and automatically select some fraction of them. It is that aspect that makes bright planetary EEVA problematic in the sense of getting near live views, though I imagine it is possible in principle. I don't know of any software that does it near-live. StarlightLive is not designed for bright planetary work. Stacking in a typical EEVA setting is based on stars whereas for the bright planets it is based on features. (I don't do this kind of observing so perhaps I am out of date here).

Regarding the Lodestar x2, it is a great camera and the only one I've used for the last nearly 7 years, and I find it generally excellent for deep sky EEVA so long as you pair it with a scope that delivers a reasonable arcsec/pixel. I operate at 2.11"/pix but ideally you would go a little lower.


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Thanks Martin, I sort of guessed that may be the case but had to ask. The Skymax is not exactly suited to DSO so a bit of research needed there but chasing the minor planets sounds good. It's not really me at the moment to do classic astrophotography, live view and live stacking sounds just right. Still nothing stopping me from playing considering most of the software is free 😜 

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to restart an old thread but I didn't want to create a new one about this particular topic.

Just to make sure I have this right, with the ASIAIR Plus in Video Mode such as shown in this video: https://youtu.be/4uqiqy9f4No


1. Would I be allowed to make the exposure and gain adjustments before recording the video and then, after the video has been recorded, stack the video (as shown in the YouTube clip from 3:49 - 5:09) but NOT do any sharpness adjustment on the produced image?


2. Would I only be allowed to click on the the little image icon/square underneath the record button that would appear to just save a single snapshot/"screenshot" of what is seen at the time?

Thank you for your assistance with this.

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Hello Darth and welcome to the site.

My thoughts are that the word allowed does not even enter the discussion. If you enjoy how you achieve the image then go for it and I look forward to seeing your results. Is it strictly eeva? Well I suppose if any post processing is carried out you would have to say probably not but does post processing include stacking and sharpening? I wouldn't have thought so but as someone who just does stacking and playing with the histogram and not even sure how to do sharpening maybe I'm not the best person to answer that, hopefully others will have some thoughts.

Thanks for the video link, I will have a look at that soon, can't believe the thread is over two years old and I still haven't taken a single video of any solar system stuff 🤦‍♂️ All the best.

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