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Suggestions for an observatory notebook computer, please

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darditti's Toshiba Satellite laptop seems to be mortally ill, after >4 years service imaging, processing and telescope guiding.

He generally prefers Macs to PCs.

I see the new MacBooks have a backlit, glossy screen; is this a problem for astronomers' dark adaptation etc?

Do others here have experience and advice about choosing a laptop for an astronomer/observatory?

Suggestions and comments welcome!

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Well, as a Mac user who happily takes his expensive laptop out in the cold/dew to image with I houldn't really be saying this but I'd probably recommend a cheapish laptop that you don't mind getting a little less TLC than one that lives inside would get.

With a MacBook though the screen isn't such as issue as you can use an application called DarkAdapted to tone down the light.

If he wants to go the Mac route then he shouldn't need to worry about apps to use; I'm able to guide, capture, process (well, when I get more experienced with it) on my Mac quite easily.


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