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The Cone and Foxfur Nebulae

Luke Newbould

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Hi again everyone!


I took the opportunity to get out on the last night of February as the skies promised to be clear (a promise not quite kept!)

My target of choice was the Cone and Foxfur nebulae in Monoceros - I wanted to shoot something that allowed me to use my L-Extreme filter in an effort to beat the strong moonlight somewhat which that filter seems to do excellently :)


Image capture went quite smoothly, the only things that went wrong were things out of my control - the weather! - as the night progressed the air thickened to the point where it almost felt wet on your face, bringing with it a misty haze to the night sky that made the light pollution show in the sky as a strong orange glow, unfortunately this did significantly affect my exposures during capture, with the latest subs taken looking significantly worse than the ones from early in the night,.. Oh well!


in total I captured 41x5m frames with the following gear:

zwo ASI2600mc pro camera

Optolong l-extreme filter

Skywatcher Esprit 120 apo


I did take the opportunity to make a video documenting capture too for anyone interested :)


anyhow, here's the result!


and the video :



Thank you for looking!



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Thats come out well considering the conditions. The Christmas tree shape is very evident.

I was out imaging that night too and even though I'm way west of you I had exactly the same conditions. I got three hours on the Rosette  then moved to the tadpoles and managehd 30 mins before mist closed me down.

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