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Rosette Nebula - Small Integration/Big Results!

Luke Newbould

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Hi everyone!


Well, the weather finally broke and I got a chance, albeit a small one, to take an image with my new kit!


My target was the Rosette Nebula as I feel my chances to shoot it this season are waning fast, it's a bit of an annual target for me - I just never get tired of it :)


This image totals only 17x5m exposures, - 1hr and 25m


It was taken with the following equipment -

Skywatcher Esprit 120 Super Apo + FF

ASI2600MC Pro OSC camera

Optolong L-Extreme dual-narrowband filter

Neq6 pro


This was my first light (aside from setting things up during silly little holes in the cloud) for the camera, filter and my autofocuser.


Processed in PixInsight, maybe a bit overprocessed but I went for impact over subtlety for this one!

I recorded a youtube video during capture to document my night :) - it's 8 min long.  


Thank you for looking!






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