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This has been my first image in a fair few months due to lack of clear skies, taken towards the end of January. NGC2403 is about 8 million light years away in the constellation Camelopardalis, with an apparent size of 19.9 x 10.1 arcmin.  If you look closely you can spot a number of smaller galaxies across the image.

I hadn't originally planned on imaging this, bit since the moon was up that night I decided to stay as far away from the moon as possible and chose this. 


Integration: 1 hour each of R, G, & B (in 60s subs).

Scope: SkyWatcher ED80 DS-Pro, 0.85x reducer

Mount: EQ6-R

Image Capture: ZWO ASI1600mm pro, ZWO filter wheel, Astrophotography Tool

Guiding: ZWO ASI120mm mini, Evoguide50, PHD2


Processed in Pixinsight, with darks and flat calibration - although the flats didn't actually work so well due to an alignment issue with the filter wheel which was causing the dust on the filters to appear like moon craters. Luckily, I managed to save the image by removing the stars, then using the clone stamp to remove the artefacts, then added the stars back in. 






Thanks for looking


Edited by Adam1234
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