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Hi everyone,

I've been looking into filters for my astrophotography. Saw this earlier and was wondering whether it would be a good thing having all 4 main bands on one filter. I am trying to keep costs low as I've spent far too much already this year. 

Any advice on this would be appreciated.

Thanks rich 



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32 minutes ago, Iceman120 said:

I have a zwo asi 120mm mini guide camera. havent used it yet, been waiting for these clouds to disappear. How long would my exposures need to be or is it target dependant?

Target dependant. If we are talking most Nebula I would suggest at least 5 minute subs at ISO800/1600. Not so for Orion of course. It also depends whether the DSLR is modified or not.

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i've got a 2nd 550d coming friday which i am going to modify. Going to remove the UV/IR cut filter but leave the low pass filter in. From what i can see its the most standard method to boost ha signal. 

Edited by Iceman120
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