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Stellarium Cntrl 3 issues

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Hi Folks, 

Hoping someone can solve this for me. Presently setting up stellarium to run my set up. 

All drivers installed etc and mount responds to slewing command from Stellarium. Here's the problem. I select a star and the red target moves to the selected star, so far so good. Next I centre the star in the eye piece (not actually outside right now due to cloud). I thought the next part of the process was to press cntrl 3 to correct and misalignment and then continue to repeat the process for 3 stars until aligned. The issue is cntrl 3 doesn't do anything 🤔


Any suggestions, greatly appreciated! 



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You don't say what mount you have.

I use Stellarium combined with APT (on my NEQ6pro)

Using Pointcraft in APT to centre on targets works extremely well , you can then platesolve and use the "Sync" button in APT to correct the Stellarium telescope crosshair icon to the exact target.


From then on I use the "ctrl 1 " function in Stellarium to select my target

(easier than going through the list in APT targets as I have a custom Stellarium horizon so can select targets not behind trees or buildings from the Stellarium Screen, and can also easily see how far I am from a meridian flip to decide if I want to image the target, the Stellarium Oculars function also lets me see if its a good target for the scope I have on the mount)


Once there if imaging I will use pointcraft again to get exactly centred so that images from sessions a few days or weeks apart can be stacked.



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2 hours ago, fifeskies said:

You don't say what mount you have.

I use Stellarium combined with APT (on my NEQ6pro)

Using Pointcraft in APT to centre on targets works extremely well , you can then platesolve and use the "Sync" button in APT to correct the Stellarium telescope crosshair icon to the exact target.


From then on I use the "ctrl 1 " function in Stellarium to select my target

(easier than going through the list in APT targets as I have a custom Stellarium horizon so can select targets not behind trees or buildings from the Stellarium Screen, and can also easily see how far I am from a meridian flip to decide if I want to image the target, the Stellarium Oculars function also lets me see if its a good target for the scope I have on the mount)


Once there if imaging I will use pointcraft again to get exactly centred so that images from sessions a few days or weeks apart can be stacked.



Hii, Thanks for your reply. The mount is a Heq5 Pro. 

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