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Venus & the Moon

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I had been watching the weather all afternoon and when it got to sunset I thought I would have a look at Venus, mainly because I had re-collimated my newtonian the other day. Anways I noticed that Miss Moon was out and thought, "I can possibly fit those two into a nice widefield shot".

So, whipped out the dSLR and got shooting, however I soon realsied that I should have charged the old battery up cos' it said battery flat after a few goes........(the ones to get it focused).

However, I find that with these rechargable batteries that if you leave them off for a few mins then go back to them you can get a few more images out of them...so I did that. My inital shots were taken inside through a window (if I had gone outside I would have been too low down to get the Moon and Venus would have been obscured by the neighbours houses.).

There is a major issue with shooting through a window, the glass warps the image, so I opened up the window and this is one of those images.

I did manage to train my scope onto the moon and it was showing an amazing crescent of about 5% with lovely Earth-glow but the battery was completely gone by then!


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I took the pic especially for you Paul, i know how you like lunar images so much :(

Anyway, you should have been flying not driving!

I have a nice long and black 8 incher if you must know......impresses the ladies! But yeh, it needed collimating, I would get some shots tonight now that my cameras battery is charged, but the cloud may be an issue.

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