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Two new SafetyMonitors

inFINNity Deck

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For those interested in automation: in the last few weeks I have produced another two new SafetyMonitors:

  • Generic File SafetyMonitor
  • Environment SafetyMonitor

The Generic File SafetyMonitor monitors any ASCII-file(s) on the local hard drive or on the network, scans it for a preamble (e.g. ROOF) and a trigger in that same line (e.g. CLOSED) and sets the SAFE/UNSAFE event based on the user settings.

The Environment SafetyMonitor reads observations from an ObservationConditions Driver (preferably OCH, but any driver can be used) and allows to trigger SAFE/UNSAFE events on 11 observation types in a maximum of 13 rules (the 2 additional ones are to allow for upper/lower limits for wind direction and temperature).

Both have their own web-page on my server:


Conform validation reports are included in the downloads.

I share these with the community in the hope they are beneficial to other (amateur) astronomers. I can, however, not be held responsible for any damage done as a result of a wrong setting or failure of the algorithm(s) or of the driver as a whole (this also accounts for all other freeware downloads on my server). So, use at your own risk and feel free to redistribute it. I would appreciate feedback in case any bugs are found.

with kind regards,




Edited by inFINNity Deck
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Nicolas, thanks so much for making this available - I am very interested in the environment safety monitor. I do not have a weather station as such but have some local inputs from a BlueAstro stck station on the side of my scope. I always wanted to try automate shut down when the humidity got too high - at the moment that is only possible in a manual mode. Your driver may very well be exactly what I need.

I am imaging at the moment - I do not want to play around with the Obs computer.....but for sure I will be looking into this tomorrow. I will let you know. 

Regardless of whether it works for me or not - you still deserve  a 'thank 'you' for making your work available here.




Edited by Kinch
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Just to give feedback Nicolas - played with the drivers this morning and everything worked fine for Environment Safety Monitor. I was able to create an unsafe condition in SGP when I adjusted the alarm point (for rel. humidity) below actual here today. That was my main requirement for your monitor. Again - many thanks for this.....Rel Humidity being my main worry in unattended imaging, this is a huge step forward for me.

At this time I have no actual need for the Generic File Safety Monitor - but I installed it anyway. It may become useful to me in the future - who knows. But just one thing (which is not a problem for me at this time)....in SGP, I selected your previously downloaded Safety Monitor  Hub and within that selected the environment and  the file safety monitors as two of the 3 inputs. At times everything was just hanging up and I had to Ctrl Alt Delete to get myself out of trouble. If I decided that I did not want the Generic File Monitor - I could not de-select it, to take it out. 

I do not know how long I have that Safety Monitor Hub.....perhaps you have updated it in recent times....????


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Hi Brendan,

the current version of the HUB is 0.1.1. I will have a look at it the coming days (it can do with some improvements anyway), see if I can reproduce your hang-up and, if so, fix it.


PS: what was your third input into the HUB?

Edited by inFINNity Deck
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I did not put in a 3rd input.....I am not sure what else might go in there! 

For now I will not use the hub; I will only need to use the Environment Safety Monitor in that box. What I did earlier....was only "testing".



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Hi Brendan,

I just ran a few tests (with 3 SafetMonitors in the HUB) and found that the HUB has an issue on my machine opening it's log-file. If that error message gets in the background it will not allow you to control SGP any more. Hitting ALT-TAB combination (perhaps a few times) should bring the error-window up.  Hitting the OK button of that error-message will close it and the HUB works as expected (at least it does so here).

Anyway, I will get this bug sorted, hopefully it will work flawless again on your machine as well. Will post here again once the new version is available.


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As I said - for now I don't need it - but glad to have tested it anyway and highlighted something for you.....and maybe for others that may make full use of your work.


Thanks again.....



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For those interested, version 0.2.0 of the SafetyMonitor Hub is now also available from my web-site.

Main change is the way it connects to the underlying SafetyMonitors. The previous version created several unintended and unused instances of the connected SafetyMonitors. In this version no more than a single connection is made to each SafetyMonitor at all times. In addition the current version allows to access the settings of the connected SafetyMonitors, even when these and the Hub are already connected. It has improved status-LEDs and is now provided with tooltips.


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Nicolas - you are a star..... I have downloaded it and will install tomorrow. As on the previous occassion - my scope & computer are at work (never mind the moon or new years eve.....there are important photons to capture    🙂  )

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