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Horsehead Nebula and processing question.


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So managed to get some more time on my current project...not liking the halos on this (down to the IDAS D2 filter I think) but it seems that this particular subject gives everyone issues so if people have a way of dealing with this any tips would be most welcome!

Very very quick process of approx. 2 hours of data (5 minute subs) with a modified Canon 600d, SW Equinox 80 on an HEQ5 mount over several nights with associated flats and bias frames as well stacked in DSS and processed in PS.

Hopefully I can get a few more nights on this to really up the data collection and do some proper processing (it's very noisy)...I said I would stick with my equipment as is but now I have got elements up and working reliably the upgradeitus has started to kick in...must resist!




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