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Spur of the moment near-conjunction Jupiter/Saturn attempt


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First let me say I've never tried my hand at AP, beyond a shot happens to include the Moon and so on. Whilst looking out of the bedroom window through the binoculars (only way with the view) earlier a thought crossed my mind - I wonder if...

Didn't have much time to put it into action, so in my haste I made a few basic errors (not setting a higher ASA/shorter exposure, not grabbing a RAW) but I did manage this (crop):


Taken on a Panasonic G2, on a table-top tripod on the windowledge, 45-150 zoom at 150mm/f5.6, manual focus, 4" exposure and 100 ASA. I was pleased to see 3 moons in the gloom, Stellarium suggesting they'll be Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Not disappointed with such an off-the-cuff attempt.

Edited by wulfrun
title typo
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You did better than me!  Went out to local high spot to get some elevation and took a few shots before they permanently disappeared behind cloud .   Both shots out of focus :(  I'll try again tomorrow. :) 


Edited by saac
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