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Which finderscope for 2nd hand SW Explorer 130

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I am hoping to bid on a used Explorer 130 PDS OTA with no finderscope.  I know that the OTA usually comes with a SW 6x30 finderscope.  Now comes the stupid question, as I will be using it on an EQ3 Pro GOTO mount, do I need a finderscope, what would I use it for?  I’m assuming that once I have done the polar alignment with the mount, I will be using the Goto facility to find things.


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In order to use the GOTO you need to first polar align then you need to do a 1 , 2 , or 3 star alignment.

This lets the GOTO orient the OTA itself to the mount position.

A finder is needed for this unless you feel you can hit the alignment star by just looking along the tube and using a very wide eyepiece.

A Telrad can be enough rather than a full finder (or a red dot finder).

If you are starting from scratch consider a 50mm RACI finder if you feel a full finder is needed. This can then stay with you if you get a larger telescope.


I think for a 130 size Newtonian OTA a Telrad or red dot will suffice and is easier for novice users.


Sighting in my new telrad sight for tonight's clear skies on my XT8 :  Astronomy

Edited by fifeskies
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