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Orion nebula and Comet C/2020 M3 ATLAS

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I was aware that this comet would be quite bright (of course not like F3 NEOWISE) and that it could be a beautiful target to photograph because of its path right through the constellation of Orion. I was lucky that the weather was clear tonight, despite the forecast being completely red the entire weak ahead, and I managed to drag out my trusty star adventurer and Samyang 135mm F2 that I purchased this summer. I was aware that the final result would be quite mediocre because of my Bortle 7 location and the Waning Gibbous moon!!

Nonetheless I was able to get a decent result, although I'm really not happy with the colors of the Orion nebula.

Image is 96X15s exposures (24min total) with 11 darks and 20 flat frames, stacked in DSS and edited in Adobe Lightroom.

Gradients where horrendous to fix btw:wacko:


I also stitched the frames together in a rather short timelapse spanning about 30 minutes. When cropping on the comet you can see the slight movement across the sky, which I also managed to capture back when F3 NEOWISE was around.
The timelapse can be found here:

Feedback is of course highly accepted! Thanks for looking;)

Clear skies, Victor

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3 minutes ago, Dantooine said:

Victor, you’ve been busy. Setting up, taking the data and then video editing. It’s obvious that you really love this hobby. I only wish I could spend more time on it. Keep up the good work and enjoy 😉 

I love this hobby!! I've found it's so relaxing in the midst of school, work, exams and etc. which takes up the majority of the time... This is the time I get to relax and remain humble about life while also enjoying it to the fullest!

Thank you very much for your kind words! They're highly appreciated.

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3 minutes ago, Victor Boesen said:

I love this hobby!! I've found it's so relaxing in the midst of school, work, exams and etc. which takes up the majority of the time... This is the time I get to relax and remain humble about life while also enjoying it to the fullest!

Thank you very much for your kind words! They're highly appreciated.

You are welcome. I do exacty the same, After some of the days I’ve had this year it’s a good escape. I just wish I didn’t have to get up so early. Good that is dark at a reasonable time now though. Hope you are enjoying your 102f7, I know I am enjoying mine. 

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2 minutes ago, Dantooine said:

Hope you are enjoying your 102f7, I know I am enjoying mine. 

I had a very enjoyable session a couple of days ago with it actually. It continues to amaze on the moon and Mars! Will do a follow-up on the thread when I receive the AZ4 mount which is due to arrive in December;)

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