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To Dobson or not to Dobson that is the question

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Hi there folks! I have strong dilemma what to do, so if you could give your opinion would appreciate it very much.

I own SW Evostar 90 on EQ2 mount. It is really useful and got some beautiful seeing with it. Thing is I have a friend which would like to buy it from me and another friend which would like to sell his 8 inch Dob. For my Evo I am looking to get arround 200 E and for Dob friend is asking around 300-350 E.

The thing is, should I go for Dob or that money I would spend for Dob to use and get some better quality eyepieces and stick with my Evo?

Thanks in advance, clear skies!


P.S. Portability is not an issue as it will be mostly used from home.

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Personally I would much prefer to own and use an 8 inch dob than the Evostar 90 so I would make the change but the price being asked for the dob seems on the high side for a used one. It does depend on the model / spec / included accessories though.

So my advice is to go for the dob but try and get the price of it down. Over here a new Skywatcher 8 inch dob costs £280 / 305 Euros. Used they can be bought for around £200 / 220 Euros.




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@John Thanks for answering mate. The thing is in Serbia price for new one is around 52k RSD which is around 440 E. Used ones are in price range of 250-350 E. That is why every time when watching the Sales thread on SGL a tear drops from my eye. Prices in GB are a lot lower than here. So the price he is asking is pretty much reasonable as it was mostly not used. It comes with stock eyepieces though. It is the Skywatcher 200/1200 Dobsonian.

Plus used equipment is rarely sold in Serbia..

Edited by igorigs
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