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Takahashi FC76 DCU/CQ1.7x plus Zeiss binoviewer question

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Hi all,


I´m thinking in adding a Taka 76DCU to my 30mm-Zeiss Binoviewer in the coming future... :)

The idea is to use the taka mainly in CQ (1.7x) configuration, with the binoviewer.

For the binoviewers themselves, the light path is 122mm with installed Baader eyepiece holders.


Do you know which OCS will be needed ?


Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,



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1 hour ago, Miguel_EA1HTA said:

Hi all,


I´m thinking in adding a Taka 76DCU to my 30mm-Zeiss Binoviewer in the coming future... :)

The idea is to use the taka mainly in CQ (1.7x) configuration, with the binoviewer.

For the binoviewers themselves, the light path is 122mm with installed Baader eyepiece holders.


Do you know which OCS will be needed ?


Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,



I like your first sentence Miguel 🙂

What is OCS?

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Hi Jeremy,


Sorry, I meant: Optical Corrector Assembly (some people say adapter instead of assembly) / Optical Corrector System (OCS) / or Glasspath corrector (GPC)...


I know that Baader has several models: 1.25x, 1.7x and 2,6x



But not sure about other makers, nor about which one should be used with the FC76/FC76Q.


Thanks !



  • Zeiss 30mm binoviewer adds to Optical path length: +122mm with installed Baader eyepiece holders.
  • Glasspathcorrector Factor 1,25. Optical path length: ≥ -30 mm
  • Glasspathcorrector Factor 1,70. Optical path length: -65 mm
  • Thanks 1
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