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Ekos meridian flip


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My ekos meridian flip has worked wonderfully all this while, until recently when I started noticing a strange problem. 

My meridian flip setting is 0.10 past HA 

It used to work flawlessly, and do a meridian flip as it should. 

Last few sessions I've noticed, that the first time EKOS attempts the flip, it fails 

Gives error as below 

Meridian flip completed 

Meridian flip failed - retry in 4 mins

Meridian flip started 

Then the scheduler goes through the whole thing i.e. Re-align, refocus, guiding calibration and starting the first exposure (even though nothing has changed, and this takes a good 10-15mins to complete) 

While the scheduler is going through the post flip procedure, the mount tab goes back into 'meridian flip waiting' 

Once the first exposure is finished, after the failed meridian flip - EKOS attempts the meridian flip again which it does smoothly and without any issues. 

Now mostly I'd not mind the flip failing once, but because ekos is giving an error flip completed and the scheduler is going through the whole thing I'm adding somewhere 15-20 mins to the second flip attempt which is at times causing my scope to crash into the mount. 

I'm not sure why this is suddenly happening, as it used to work absolutely beautifully earlier without any problems. 


Any insight into how to solve this issue would be appreciated. 

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