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Struggling with planetary


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Hello I seem to be struggling to pull any more data of planets. This was 800 iso with about 1/40 shutter speed for about 2 and a half minutes using the helios 200mm with a 2x barlow at f10 and my canon 1300d in planetary mode in backyard eos, 5x zoom. Then about 40 percent of the best frames stacked in as2 and then used wavelets in registax 5, Do I need to up the iso and make the shutter speed as fast as possible? Also pipp seems to struggle processing my saturn avi videos and gets stuck at 64 percent. Any help would be appreciated, planetary seems alot harder than galaxies etc, thanks guys


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You are probably limited by the seeing and the low position ofJupiter. To freeze the seeing you should use faster shutter speed, I would recommend 1/125. Don't worry about noise or dim images, as long as you can focus the stacking of hundreds of frames will take care of that.


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Planetary is hard.

The Canon isn't ideal as the pixels are on the larger side and the video mode compressed the data, and the “shutter speed” is too slow. You also need to ensure collimation and focus are optimal and kit is properly cooled down. Then pick a night when the planet is high and the seeing is good... lots of things against all of us, but on the whole I’d be very happy with this image.


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Planetary is hard indeed,

I agree with @jambouk, your frame rate (shutter speed) is too slow. To successfully beat the seeing, you want to be as fast as possible. However you are not too far off, as @Nik271 suggested, 1/125 (8 ms) should be already sufficient. As an example here


this one was done at 1/167 shutter speed, or better said 6 ms through my 180 Mak recorded as an uncompressed SER sequence. Also be aware of the video mode of your camera compressing the data, there you loose a lot of detail, like @jambouk pointed out.

Overall a very nice picture you took there :thumbright:

Clear skies


Edited by alex_stars
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Thanks for all the replies, seeing was above average but next time will go for a much faster shutter speed! 

I do have a zwo mini 120 guide/planetary cam but out of the two I've had better images with the Canon 1300d.  Plus it's a pain to find the targets with that camera. 

Here's a couple taken of saturn and jupiter before with similar set ups. 



Edited by Dave2292
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