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NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula in Narrowband


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Hi everyone! It's been a while...

After struggling (and mostly failing!) with trying to image with an SCT for most of this year, I decided to go back to what I know for nebula season - my trusted widefield refractor! Blissful simplicity!

I opted for the Hubble palette for tmy first Wizard, with a notable processing step being the first time use of StarNet in PixInsight for some starless treatment. Worked well!

The final version is a crop - I'll include the original FOV in the next post.

Shot from my back garden over the couple of clear nights we had this week, using a CEM25P, WOZ73, ASI1600MM Pro and Astrodon Filters. Captured using the marvellous Voyager and edited in PI. 12 hours of total integration.

Full details here

Thanks for looking!

(And I'll come back to the SCT when I get a new mount!)

NGC7380 2020-09-14 (Crop).png

Edited by eshy76
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5 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Looks really nice, have you tried the Dark Structure Enhance script yet ? It works well on the central dark wisps.

Thank you - that script was meant to be the last thing I did, but I somehow forgot! You’re right, there are some areas in the image that could benefit from it.

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