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First Nebula - Western Veil


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So as the nights are drawing in it was time to shake off some of the cobwebs (haven't been imaging much over summer) and do a bit of an equipment shakedown to see if I remember everything (I didn't) and to try out the new Ipolar camera I bought myself for my birthday.

So what did I learn a) You need to re-cal the Ipolar if it's removed between sessions...luckily it wasn't so bad but the PHD charts were all over the place b) must pack cables away properly so I know what is what c) need to spend more time setting up correctly rather than rush straight in d) I need a Field flattener (suggestions welcome) e) I have forgotten how to use photoshop!

Be that as it may, even with dodgy tracking I managed to get about 30mins worth of data 90 second subs at iso 800 from my fairly streetlight heavy location of the Western Veil which was my first ever attempt at imaging a nebula.

Taken with a Canon 200D and Skywatcher Equinox 80ED with some darks, no flats or bias and hastily thrown together in DSS and Photoshop.

Going to give it a bit of a longer session to try and get some more data.


My previous shots have been trying to capture galaxies which have been too small to do justice (M31 is on the cards though...when it gets passed the trees) so it was nice to do something a bit more wide field.


Edited by smashing
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