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Mars 04/09/20

Les Ewan

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Great views were to be had using my 16" Newt last night a brisk breeze seemed to have swept the atmosphere clear with very steady  seeing. So much so that I managed to employ my seldom used 4mm kellner giving a power of 450X . The beautiful subtle bluish green maria stood out with hardly a quiver. The Mare Cimmerium,Mare Tyrrhennium and Syrtis Minor were the main features that were well seen. Even the Mare Chronium was obvious ,pleasing because Ive always had trouble with this feature in the past usin a 8" Newt.

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Cool. What time were you observing. I was looking around 1-2am and I don't think Syrtis Minor / Mare Tyrrhennium were visible by then. Certainly I had Mare Sirenum and Mare Cimmerium. I could make out Mare Chronium too. 

Mars observations are new to me. So I'm observing, then learning about what I've seen.

8" reflector nearby in Edinburgh. The seeing was variable for me, looking over rooftops. I need to stay up later when Mars will be clear of them, and the conditions a little more stable. Had some clouds trying to spoil the party, too.

My sketching attempt (as per the sketching forum)



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HI Pixies,

Great drawing.Syrtis Minor appeared as a indistinct  blob  at about 04 hours near  the eastern  limb so had just came into veiw as my obsevation were about 2 hours after yours that would tie in. You may have recorded the first sign of it on your drawing as you made some shading there. As for Mare Tyrrhenium I always thought that it was the southern arm (top)where the two mare appear to split. You seem to have recorded the split in your drawing.

I dont pretend to be a Martian topography expert, a lot of us aren't especially from the British Isles when we only get about three or four good veiws every 2 years.🤬

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