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In these odd times it is reassuring some things never change...


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Not done any imaging since mid-spring - usual combination of life getting in the way of doing stuff.  However I have been meaning to give Astroberry a go and having bought an RPi4 and promptly re-designating that a Roon endpoint (music streaming software) I had to acquire a second which I duly did and then just left it kicking around not doing anything.  I also had to send my filter wheel off for a second repair (hats of the SX though - they had repaired it once as the USB socket had failed.  It failed again and second time they just replaced the board for no additional charge - right when lockdown was fully kicking off as well.  Super service).

Then by the time I had got the Pi's sorted and the filter wheel of course the nights were at their shortest so still no opportunity to really do much.  Anyway, fast forward to today; all week Dark Skies, the Met Office, Clear Outside etc were all in agreement.  Tonight and tomorrow night were nailed on cloudless nights.  Warm as well and no wind and with enough darkness to try and get something.  So, Astroberry booted up and working, a few YouTube videos later and I had a sequence programmed in to EKOS, I had even given it a trial run in the simulator, guiding looked like it could work etc.

Scope dusted down and set up during the day instead of my usual fumbling around in the dark etc.  And... cloud.  Wall to wall cloud all night and all tomorrow night and seemingly at least for the rest of the week.  Probably the rest of the year knowing my luck.  Some things never change :D 

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