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DIY wifi mount


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Hey! Yes, this thread again...I know it has been asked before and showed before many many times, but I have a scenario which I'm not sure could be worked out by previous solutions.

So I should receive the CEM70 soon, and the design is great for the most part, but I'll be using my mini PC on top of the scope(which means I don't really need the USB hub supplied by the mount).
The thing is the mount USB that goes to the computer is placed on the bottom of the mount(for obvious reasons, that's really good), but for me it won't be a very good thing as I'd then have to get the cable from the bottom to the top of the scope, which could mean cable snugs.

Now as far as I can see I have 2 options here, the first one would be messing with the wires themselves, getting the USB from bottom to top, I don't think it should be too complicated.
The second option would be possibly making a wifi dongle, the thing is most of the similar solutions I've found were with a physical serial port, and while the eventual type of the USB is serial, the connection itself is a USB type B.

I believe it's possible achieving that with this as well, but not really sure how.
Would love to get some suggestions about both ideas, and if possible about the wifi getting some info on which wifi(or bluetooth?) boards I should use, pins wiring etc.

Thanks! :)

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41 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Why not just hook everything up to the mount ports as normal and then to the mini PC which you can mount to the  base.

It's an option as well, but it's USB2 and while it's not extremely important for DSO imaging, it is crucial for planetary imaging. I might image with the same rig for different things on the same session, so I want something that will be good for both planetary and DSO, which means USB3(I don't have the USB3 CEM70G version as addidional $400 for that is simply crazy..) 

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25 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Not sure if USB3 is that crucial, if it is then just run that to the miniPC. Everything else can go to the mount ports then to the PC.

For planetary imaging it's probably the most important thing...I don't want to mess with cables in the middle of the night being in the dark, I'd like to achieve a universal solution.
I don't think it should be that hard modifying the cable routes themselves or making a wireless connection to be honest, still seems like the best solution I could think of.


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