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NGC 281 Imaging Advice


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I have a Celestron AVX mount which is working at the moment and works fine for 5 minute exposures. My DSLR is a Canon EOS 1100D, fairly sure I bought it back in 2013 so it has done quite well all things considered. A cooled camera with a smaller sensor is probably the most logical step forwards at the moment both in solving the coma issue and with better sensitivity to reds. If that doesn’t solve the issue changing the telescope may be the answer.

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10 minutes ago, Celestron4 said:

I have a Celestron AVX mount which is working at the moment and works fine for 5 minute exposures. My DSLR is a Canon EOS 1100D, fairly sure I bought it back in 2013 so it has done quite well all things considered. A cooled camera with a smaller sensor is probably the most logical step forwards at the moment both in solving the coma issue and with better sensitivity to reds. If that doesn’t solve the issue changing the telescope may be the answer.

No, small sensor is not a good idea.

Want to use slow scope - slow as in large F/ratio - you need to use large sensor to make it work (at any sensible capture speed).

How about doing it this way - name your goals and budget so we can work from there - we'll try to find best solution.

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My budget would ideally be under the £1000 mark if possible. I am aiming to get decent images of deep sky objects (galaxies and Nebulae mainly) and I am aware that a DSLR is not ideal in the long term both due to the lack of cooling and internal filter that removes the red end of the spectrum. A setup that would allow me to get decent images of most objects without spending a huge amount of money would be ideal. 

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27 minutes ago, Celestron4 said:

My budget would ideally be under the £1000 mark if possible. I am aiming to get decent images of deep sky objects (galaxies and Nebulae mainly) and I am aware that a DSLR is not ideal in the long term both due to the lack of cooling and internal filter that removes the red end of the spectrum. A setup that would allow me to get decent images of most objects without spending a huge amount of money would be ideal. 

This is what I would do (I'm not saying that you should as well - it's just an option):

If tight on funds, I would sell C6 and use that money to buy RC6 and some bits and bobs (as you'll probably have some cash to spare or put towards the camera).

Get yourself this camera:


Or alternatively, if you prefer CCD cameras, this one second hand (if available):


Depending on which camera of the two you purchase - workflow will be somewhat different. I would recommend Bayer drizzle or regular debayering for QHY8L and superpixel debayering for ASI294 to get you proper resolution.

This option will leave you without visual scope as C6 is no doubt very good visual scope and RC6 can be used for visual but it has large central obstruction. C6 is also probably better planetary scope than RC6. Another thing to consider is collimation of RC6 - some people find it very difficult. I have RC8 and have collimated it without any trouble, so I'm sort of used to such scope, but some people get intimidated by it.


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