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OAG with qhy5l-ii mono

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Hi Guys,

I'm looking for an affordable guide-cam that will work on a Rasbperry Pi.  I don't want to have to go out and rotate anything (eg tube, camera etc) to find a star, I just want there to be a choice of stars.  I currently use a QHY5 (old-style) with a guide-scope and there are always plenty of stars to choose from, but I'd like to go OAG to avoid flexure.  I originally started down this path because of fixed-pattern noise, but amazingly dithering has completely eliminated that.

My scope is an 200 mm Newtonian (C8-N) with a 1m focal length.  I was originally looking for something with the Sony IMX 290, like maybe the QHY290 or the ZWO ASI290, but you don't get much change out of 250-300 pounds.  However, I just noticed the qhy5l-ii mono.  If I buy directly from China, I could potentially get it for half the price.  What do people think?

Thanks for your thoughts.



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