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Advice on a new setup.

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Hello. I'm pretty new to all this astronomy stuff. i have spent many a happy hour outside with my skywatcher heritage 130 scope. looking at the moon and i have observed the moon jupiter and saturn as well as a few stars. I'm looking to invest in my first "proper" start up kit. i would to like continue observing the bigger objects and start in the deep sky stuff aswell. i have around £1000-£1500 to spend.

will i need 2 scopes one for planets and one for deep sky? or is there an all round scope that'll do everything?

many thanks in advance


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You could have dedicated scopes for both deep sky and planets if you wanted, it depends on preferences.  For example you could get a Schmidt-Cassegrain for planets and a Refractor/Reflector that gives you a wide field view for Deep Sky.  

I think there is more info needed from you:

Do you need a mount?  Do you want a tracking mount?

Is portability something you need to consider?  

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Hi @2scopes and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

Unfortunately no 'scope does all in this hobby. For lunar and planetary, then a Maksutov; (a.k.a. Mak/MCT); or SCT. For DSO then a 'Dobsonian' assuming you are visual and not bothered about polar alignment, etc.

Are you planning on astro-imaging? - if "Yes!" then a wide-field refractor, i.e. ST80 or clone and a sturdy mount.

Other SGL'ers will be able to advise, as I am purely visual at time of writing.

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If you get a custom Dob with a hand figured mirror, it will show planetary detail better than any Mak or SCT of equal aperture as well as showing DSOs very well in my experience.  Take the money to buy one really good scope with excellent resale value rather than two mediocre commercial scopes.  Not knowing where you live, I can't really make any recommendations, new or used, to look for.

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