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Ganymede transit last night


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I can’t remember observing this before so probably haven’t but it was a great sight. I thought I could make out “something” on Jupiter’s disk approaching the limb at around 1am but the seeing wasn’t fantastic. But as it approached the limb it became more and more obvious a a brightening spot and as it touched the limb a swelling pimple which over the next 20mins or so elongated until separation. Just a moon passing in front of a huge planet but it was quite amazing to me and I’m glad I was there to see it :) 

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I wasn't out last night but Monday night I had some great timing. Was going back and forth between Jupiter and Saturn. Noticed something on the limb of Jupiter. Over the next 5 minutes or so I watched as Io slowly emerged from behind the big planet. It was awesome. Really made my night. Can't wait for a good transit. It's great to follow the shadow.

Edited by Littleguy80
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