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Other pics through your tele...


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.... while focusing, i've noticed something on the screen. Quick rewind and  - there it was: .. hunting spider, about 150 yards away  - above a bird nest :)




Edited by Gorr_77
pic error
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The thing I find interesting about that photo is the way you have stars in focus behind the bird's nest, which "common sense" would tell you should be blocked by it. Of course due to the way the light through every part of the objective focusses on that single point, but I just like it when "common sense" is proved not to be. Always assuming that you don't have a really bad hot pixel problem ...

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14 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

... Always assuming that you don't have a really bad hot pixel problem ...

... i can only say - it was accidental picture as i was getting ready for the night so nothing was prep yet...camera was running approx +18C......all day kept in the box - (hot box) !...so you are absolutely right hot pixis in the background... the other picture shows the moon like as a complete blop :).....


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