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Venus in the Sun

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While you lot have been sunning yourselves, drinking sangria and having a lazy lockdown holiday, I've been observing Venus with a high Sun.

It was a hot one so I half closed the obs'y roof, but Venus was an easy find in the 6X30mm finder. The view at 128X through the binoviewer was beautiful but a little shimmery in the heat of the day.




Edited by mikeDnight
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It seems interest in Venus is on the wane, but its still easily observable well before the Sun goes down, if care is taken to avoid your scope crossing the Sun. I've just had a great view of its fine crescent phase holding onto its darker globe.  I found it today at 16.35 UT (17.35 BST) in my 6X30 finder. Although it was beautiful at low power in the 35mm Eudiascopic eyepiece, it really benefited from higher powers (~200X +), as these not only enlarged the image but also darkened the sky background. The darker globe was held in a wonderfully fine crescent which benefits visually from being observed while high in the sky, rather than through the thicker turbulent atmosphere nearer the horizon. So be careful and give it a go. Venus is above the Sun as it crosses the sky, so if you use an equatorial, there is virtually no chance of crossing the Sun itself.

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