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Upgrading eyepieces from kit supplied ones

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Im new to all this and am looking to buy my first telescope a skymax 127. I have been looking at some aftermarket eyepieces, specifically the BST star guide range, are they a good upgrade from the stock ones supplied with the scope? I have been lent a Celestron Astro master 90 and am hooked but find the included 10mm a bit awkward to use? Will the BST be better? And would it be possible to get a higher usable magnification than the included? I understand how the magnification works in relation to focal length but also understand that poor quality eyepieces can be limiting at higher magnification.


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Generally the stock EP's supplied with telescopes are of low quality. The exceptions are the single EP's supplied by Altair and Celestron. They are better than usual.

I do not have experience with the BST range but people say they are good.

There will be some that disagree but the quality of the zoom EP's is much improved. I have the latest version of the Baader 8-24mm and the optics are very good indeed and you are not left looking for another EP in the tray. It can be used with a Barlow but personally I do not often use a Barlow due to the light loss. I use this with a 9,25" SCT, and the Altair 70 and 102 mm refractors.


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Immerse yourself in the first few pages of this fascinating pinned post:

I upgraded the basic eyepieces with a few BST StarGuiders. They are a huge improvement and well-regarded here as a very cost-effective upgrade. They are usually a stepping-stone on to some more expensive upgrades, so they regularly come up second-hand. 


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