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PHD2 Set-up and operation using two identical guide cameras


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I've just acquired a second Lodestar x2 guide camera for use with another rig and a different guidescope but operated from the same computer / PHD2 installation (not at the same time!).

 I can see in the manual that a second camera of the same type can be named via the "fork" button but wanted to check a few thoughts before I start to add my new camera:

1. As this is an identical camera can it be specifically named e.g. Lodestar-A or -B so as to clearly differentiate the two cameras thereafter?

2. Is it still possible to use the Connect All function using the two different set-ups + how?

3. Having installed the second camera, will each camera establish and thereafter use and identify with its own calibration files depending on which one is selected from the menu?

4. Anything else I need to be aware of / think about?

Thanks, Graham

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Do you plan to have both cameras physically connected to the computer at all times? I know that in Linux you can create a rule for this situation, but am not sure how it works in MS windows. 

If an option, only connect one camera at a time. 

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Thanks Wim, no only one at a time, just on different interchangeble rigs depending on conditions and targets. 

In PHD2 there's a dropdown 'forked' menu in the set-up connect section, which allows the addition of more than one camera or more of the same.  I just don't understand how you then differentiate between each so as not to get them mixed up.  Fortunately they will auotmatically create and store separate calibration files however. 

I'm also wondering if they'll use the same driver that's already installed.

I suspect the only way to find out is to do it!


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I don't think you can differentiate between them in phd. I get that forked icon when I connect through indi. It shows my guide cam (ASI120) and my imaging camera (ASI174). How about making two profiles?

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When you start up phd for the first time, you're asked which mount/telescope and which camera you use. I believe it's called the profile wizard or hardware wizard. You can add as many profiles as you like. You should have a profile for each configuration you use. 

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19 hours ago, wimvb said:

When you start up phd for the first time, you're asked which mount/telescope and which camera you use. I believe it's called the profile wizard or hardware wizard. You can add as many profiles as you like. You should have a profile for each configuration you use. 

I obviously did this with my current Lodestar x2 but that was three years ago and I'll obvioulsy need to do some revision before adding the new camera.  Other than just getting the second camera to work, my main concern is to ensure I don't confuse the two cameras and ideally I'd therefore like to be able to name the new one differently. Thanks Wim.


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