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PixInsight with Nikon D750 Raw and Maxim DL Pro 6

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I normally use a monochrome camera and so am new to OSCs, but am trying out a borrowed Nikon D750. Using Maxim DL Pro 6, I've selected raw monochrome in the autosave output file format. The file gets saved as a FITS format file which I understand should contain the bayer matrix. So I took a shot of the garden to test the colour rendition. 

Using PixInsight, I load the FITS image and using the PI debayer process and select RGGB for the bayer pattern. I was expecting to get a colour image as a result? PI puts the prefix RGB on the top of the new window that opens with the debayered image but it is still monochrome - no colour at all. I was expecting this process to show me the image in colour? Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong please? 

Thanks for any help,


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As an Update on the above - I decided to give up with Maxim, so, after a lot of gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands, I decided to look around for different software that could do the job (the FITS file returned by MAXIM was mono and contained no bayer matrix)

After a bit of searching I came across this http://digicamcontrol.com/

Here are the plus points:
• It’s free (whoopee – I like free)
• It has a specific module aimed at astronomy. For example:

o  you can tell it how many pictures to take
o the exposure
o optionally leave a delay between each one
o specify the format (RAW, jpeg etc)
o decide whether to leave the pictures on the camera or download them to your PC (I think it may only be Windows – not MAC)

• It handled my Nikon D750 and I think it will handle many camera types
• It even has a PHD interface but I haven’t explored that

The only ‘funny’ I found was I had to specify the ISO setting on the camera when using the astronomy module – but that is no big deal as I would normally leave that set for the entire session.

I read reviews and also got my Norton to virus check it and I believe it to be very safe.

The documentation is a little scant but I intend to use it over the next few coming days. If it works out ok I may give the guys a donation!

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Hi Kevin,

I don't know anything about PixInsight, but the product that I purchased several years ago, ImagesPlus, I chose because it works with RAW Nikon data and Nikon camera control. ImagesPlus is no longer a supported product, but the good news is that the developer Mike Unsold very recently (the last couple of weeks) made if free to all to download from his website http://www.mlunsold.com/ILOrdering.html

There are2 products IPCC which is the camera control software and IP65 which is the latest, albeit now a few years old, processing software. Some of the newest cameras are not supported, but I think the D750 will be. It cost nothing to give it a try maybe..... NB the keys required to install and run the software are publish on the website below the download links for each product.


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When you open a colour RAW file in Pixinsight, the Process Console says what Bayer pattern it is under "CFA pattern". (On my Canon it's "GBRG". )

Then when you run the Debayer process you should select the appropriate Bayer/mosaic pattern to match that from the camera file.


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